Jul 2, 2020
Over the years there have been many musicians and bands that have given The Gribshnobler permission to play them on the show, but several of them have yet to be featured. Well, today that has changed, as those bands/musicians are the main focus of this episode. After sharing this eclectic batch of music, The Gribshnobler is joined by Brian John Mitchell of Silber Records, who came to chat about the recent Droneuary and April Fields collections, which includes two lengthy tracks with The Gribshnobler himself. Genres featured in this episode: Indie Rock, Shoegaze, Post-Punk, Math Rock, Ambient, Dark Ambient, Post-Rock, Experimental, Field Recordings, Metal, Drone, Psychedelic Jam, Cowpunk, and even Country and Rap. Musical projects in this episode include: The Veldt, Monachopsis, M is We, Night Battles, VOLK, Paris Monster, Tim Holehouse, Jitters, Grant Nesmith, Philip James Fox / King Cloud, Jahman Brahman, Psychedelic Butt Stuff, Emotion in General, Steve Strong, Body 13, Xiu Xiu, Small Life Form, Waft, WVRM, Chooka Frood, Fraticornicos, Shifter Drifter, Tristan Welch, Space Sweeper, Field in Stream, and Milkman
Update/Correction: M is We is from Carrboro, NC, not Chapel Hill
Silber Records on bandcamp, facebook, and http://www.silbermedia.com
You can find related videos in the GribCast Youtube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu4Ei7kM19lRYgjdQSi0Q6YDJQvgAahgK
Music in this Episode
1. The Veldt: Until You Are (5:43)
from the album The Shocking Fuzz of Your Electric Fur (original CD)
2. The Veldt: It Breaks My Heart (4:49)
from the compilation Broken Hearts Broken Sounds
3. The Veldt: Fit to Be Tied (3:36)
from the album Thanks to the Moth and Areanna Rose
The Veldt on Bandcamp, Facebook, and Twitter
4. MonaChopsis: Two Worlds: and in between (5:27)
from the album Two Worlds: And in between
Monachopsis on Bandcamp, and Facebook
5. M is We: Reknew (3:27)
from the album Ghosts
6. M is We: (reknew) (4:07)
from the album (ghosts)
M is We on Bandcamp, Facebook, Silber Media, and Bandcamp (again)
7. M is We: What You Carry (3:48)
8. Night Battles: Flat On My Back (4:43)
from the split M is We/Night Battles
Night Battles on Facebook, Bandcamp, and Instagram
Broken Sound Tapes on Facebook and Bandcamp
9. Paris Monster: Corning, NY (0:40)
10. Paris Monster: Deathbed Song (5:01)
11. Paris Monster: My Disarming (3:54)
from the album Lamplight
Paris Monster on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and https://www.parismonster.com/
Recommended music video for "The Unclean" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxvTnX0M6o4
12. VOLK: Land of Toys (3:37)
from the album Average American Band
13. VOLK: Revelator's Bottleneck (5:01)
from the album Boutique Western Swing Compositions
VOLK on Facebook, Bandcamp and https://www.livevolk.com/
14. Tim Holehouse: Good Morning, Mr. Vampire (1:44)
15. Tim Holehouse: Prince of the Palace (2:03)
from the album Tim Holehouse / Malcolm Tent (Split vol. 4)
Tim Holehouse on Facebook, Bandcamp, and http://timholehouse.com/
16. Philip James Fox: Burn You Down (feat. Christian Caglione) (1:34)
17. Philip James Fox: Imagination Station (feat. Scott Michael Saba) (2:42)
from King Cloud's Imagination Station, Musical Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyEA-6X0bjs&list=PLq5re9Rjv05EjIkzv5z7VVMuuSBruXOU9&index=4
King Cloud Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh6iu2-hw2piXtkP8MQALTA
18. Grant Nesmith: Every Night (5:21)
19. Grant Nesmith: Never Going Back (3:51)
from the album Between Tides
Grant Nesmith on Facebook and Bandcamp
20. Psychedelic Butt Stuff: Higitus Ferrigitus (4:42)
21. Psychedelic Butt Stuff: Hip Hop Sorcerer (7:19)
from the album Knights of the Down Table
22. Psychedelic Butt Stuff: Buy You Bill E. (4:23)
from the album Midi Comidi
Psychedelic Butt Stuff on Facebook, Bandcamp, and Youtube
23. Jahman Brahman: Bookmark (6:32)
from the album Choose Your Channel
24. Jahman Brahman: A Screw Loose (7:24)
from the album Live @ Dark Star Jubilee 5.24.15
Jahman Brahman on Facebook, Bandcamp and http://www.jahmanbrahman.com/
25. Jitters: Carnivorous Habits (6:33)
from the album Untitled
26. Jitters: Marv's Back (4:04)
from the single Marv's Back
Jitters on Facebook and Bandcamp
27. Emotion in General: Tephra (2:27)
28. Emotion in General: Warehouse (2:48)
from the EP Octopus Rex
29. Emotion in General: Emerald Eyes (4:53)
from the album Live at Finwood
Emotion in General on Facebook and Bandcamp
30. Steve Strong: Life After Post Rock (2:48)
31. Steve Strong: Sensible Skeletons (3:26)
32. Steve Strong: Mirapid (3:59)
from the album Turbo Island
Steve Strong on Facebook and Bandcamp
33. Waft: Shelter From Grace (15:57)
from the single Shelter from Grace
34. WVRM: Sleep Paralysis (5:10)
from the album Heartache
WVRM on Facebook and Bandcamp
35. CHANGES TO blind: Stage-Plugged Forest (4:39)
CHANGES TO blind on Bandcamp and http://www.squidco.com/ctb/
36. Small Life Form: Workshop (5:00)
Small Life Form on Facebook and Silber Records
37. Field in Stream: Ruinas Mayas 1 (0:50)
38. Field in Stream: Ciclismo en el Yucatan (1:48)
39. Field in Stream: Ruinas Mayas 2 (0:43)
Field in Stream on Bandcamp
40. Space Sweeper: Bird Songs of the Apocalypse (7:02)
Space Sweeper on Bandcamp
41. Fraticornicos: Demasiado temprano para el disfrute natural (2:18)
Fraticornicos on Facebook and Soundcloud
from the compilation April Fields
42. Fraticornicos: Realidad Paralela de Pasillos Mohosos (2:19)
43. The Gribshnobler: Versatile Solutions for Modern Living (11:22)
The Gribshnobler on Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Instagram, and Twitter
44. Chooka Frood: Lacertos Amare (35:14)
45. Xiu Xiu: Never Enuff (4:17)
Xiu Xiu on Facebook, Bandcamp, and http://www.xiuxiu.org/
46. Body 13: Venom Mezzanine (6:31)
Body 13 on Facebook, archive.org and Bandcamp
Echo Hazard on Bandcamp
47. Shifter Drifter: Into the Arms of Time (2:36)
from the compilation Droneuary 2020
48. Shifter Drifter: Error Areola (4:53)
from the compilation Droneuary 2019
49. Tristan Welch: The Clouds Are Thick And I'm Sick of the Sun (3:37)
Tristan Welch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and Bandcamp
50. Milkman: Joe Drone (Long Version) (18:53)
Milkman on Soundcloud
from the compilation Droneuary 2020