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The GribCast

Join the Gribshnobler as he and his friends geek out about movies, music, books, animation, and whatever else they feel like, supplemented with music by himself and others.

Creative Commons License The GribCast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Banner art by LadyMsGee

Jan 31, 2018

The Gribshnobler and The Great Niccolini join forces yet again to discuss the fourth episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus: Owl Stretching Time, including classic sketches such as Undressing in Public, How to Defend Yourself Against Fresh Fruit, and Secret Service Dentists (featuring Arthur Lemming of the BDA).


Apr 26, 2017

The Gribshnobler discusses another episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus with The Great Niccolini and LadyMsGee, this time the third episode "How to Recognize Different Types of Trees from Quite a Long Way Away".  Including classics such as "Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink", "The Restaurant Sketch" (with the dirty fork),...

Nov 24, 2016

The Gribshnobler and The Great Niccolini are back for the second part of their exploration for everything Monty Python, this time reviewing the second episode of their series Flying Circus.

Note: the conversation was recorded outside, and includes bird singing, The Great Niccolini's dog whimpering, his children...

Jul 18, 2016

The Gribshnobler is joined by The Great Niccolini to embark on an epic journey to review nearly everything from british comedy group Monty Python.  In this first installment we discuss the very first episode of the television series Monty Python's Flying Circus, Whither Canada.


The Lumberjack Song - Written...